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Sale period
2024/11/30 11:00 〜 2024/12/31 23:59

FLUFFY TORI/フラッフィートリ Rainbow Pride Tights (Diagonal Stripes)

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6,490 JPY

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ご注文の際は一度ABOUTをご確認ください https://arcobaleno-magia.com/about Rainbow Pride Tights (Diagonal Stripes) 税込6,490円 サイズ:F とても伸縮性のある素材のタイツです Love and gender come in all colors of the rainbow and our Pride collection is celebrating exactly that – in the most kawaii way possible! Whether you wanna go all out and create an outfit that's completely Pride themed head to toe or just add a subtle sprinkle of identity to an otherwise plain-colored look, these tights will help you achieve it! They're super duper stretchy, making them a true one-size option that'll look awesome on any body type. ❤FLUFFY TORIのご紹介❤ FLUFFY TORIは、動画クリエイタのJoëlle https://www.instagram.com/fluffykawaiijo/ が発信しているkawaiiをコンセプトにしたスイスのブランドです♪

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