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Sale period
2024/11/30 11:00 〜 2024/12/31 23:59

FLUFFY TORI/フラッフィートリ Sweet Chocolate Journey Tights (Pink)

Last 2

6,490 JPY

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End of sale

ご注文の際は一度ABOUTをご確認ください https://arcobaleno-magia.com/about Sweet Chocolate Journey Tights (Pink) 税込6,490円 サイズ:F とても伸縮性のある素材のタイツです You think sprinkles and sugar icing are just for cupcakes and witch's cottages? Think again! Decorate yourself in candy with our Sweet Chocolate Journey tights that come in three cute pastel colours and a delicious shade of chocolate, because let's be honest: None of these cakes and cookies could ever be as sweet as you! <3 ❤FLUFFY TORIのご紹介❤ FLUFFY TORIは、動画クリエイタのJoëlle https://www.instagram.com/fluffykawaiijo/ が発信しているkawaiiをコンセプトにしたスイスのブランドです♪

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